The FIRAT: The Family Issues Resolution Assistance Team
(FIRAT: Turkish name for the Euphrates River, possibly derived from old Persian script, Ufratu,"Good place to cross")
Once we are in operation our webmaster will work on developing more webpages as we add more services. Some possible pages could be:

.... Register as Foster Families
.... Feedback/Testimonials/Suggestions
.... General membership in our organization
.... Event Calendar (Educational events, fundraisers, outreach activities, etc.)
.... Suicide prevention tips and HOTLINE
.... Domestic violence help and resources
.... Other; any suggestion?

We will be looking for a donated room in your office (if you have any space) to accomodate the office work of our organization. Please let us know if you can help.

In the meantime please send us your suggestions about what services you think we need to provide that complies with our Vision and Mission. Insha-Allah you will experience enormous rewards from our Most Gracious Lord.
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