The FIRAT: The Family Issues Resolution Assistance Team
(FIRAT: Turkish name for the Euphrates River, possibly derived from old Persian script, Ufratu,"Good place to cross")
Donation Corner ... Pls
We envision having a full time religious counselor so that he will be available to help the needy families whenever and wherever the need arise. Our efforts will cost money. However, we whole heartedly believe that kind and generous people like you can help us deliver this service. 100% of your donation will go towards providing our services. We will be very transparent in our accounting with all donors having a right to review and/or audit our financial records. After all, we are doing this for the sake of Allah; and your donation will be a trust with us. Insha-Allah you will recieve a multi-fold payback from Allah in The Hereafter.

We will solicit 2 kinds of donations:

1.    Regular direct bank transfer from your account in the amount of $30.00 per month. (just give up a Coke/Pepsi/Dr Pepper/Gatorade/your passion a day Insha-Allah).
2.    One time donation whenever you feel more generous to give Qard-e-Hasanah to Allah. (We just cannot be more generous than our Lord; so we know that He will return everything to us PLUS a lot more).

We will provide FREE service to 'Guest Families'. However, after successful resolution of their issues, we will require them to become  $30 a month sponsor for at least 2-years.

Please help in this cause. This is Sadaq-e-Jariyah for your family.

ANOTHER IMPENDING NEED:  In near future we may need an office space. If you have your own business and have large office where you can donate us some space please let us know. Jazak-Allah!

We will add more logistics to this page in near future.

Write to us about what can you do to help us financially.
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