Formation Committee Membership Criteria
We are at an inception phase of this great non-profit organization. It is Insha-Allah good opportunity for you to join this endeavor and get involved in the formation of this organization until its launch. You will then continue to be a valuable member of this organization, and may also participate in the election as Board member. You will essentially create this organization. Hopefully 'The FIRAT' will continue for long time and you will get rewards from Allah for helping start this service. No salary, only rewards from Allah.
In this committee we have the following needs:
1. At least one IT professional well versed in website creation & maintenance, presentation softwares, etc.
2. Motivated individuals who gets energy and satisfaction in serving Allah and His Creations.
3. Social workers or student of community and/or public service/law enforcement.
4. Youths (16+), women and men of all ages.
5. Ready to commit about 3-4 hours every week towards this organizational effort.
6. Muslims.
Please tell your freinds to join!
We are also looking for general membership in this organization as donor families, and as host families. There is an immediate need of a full time religious counselor to help with the issues in our community. A $30 per month donation from about 400 families will help us meet our expenses to provide various services to families in need. This is a Sadaqa-e-Jariyah. Please tell as many people as you can about the need for this service. We do not intend to collect any donation until we are registered as 501 (C) 3 organization with IRS. If your company (CISCO, IBM, Intel, Microfsoft, etc.) can help please find out and solicit this help.
You can always name this organization in your family endowment, grant, foundation, and in your will. Whatever we give in the name of Allah is ours; whatever is in the bank or stocks or real estate or precious metals is somebody else's .... after our death, of course.